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Saturday, December 03, 2011

The most Expensive Desserts in the World

Adorned with leaves made ​​of gold and diamonds of two carats.

Decorated with gold leaf from the original, sparkling diamond and strawberry caviar, luxury snacks made ​​it into the record books as the world's most expensive dessert. The price is very high for the serving of dessert, which is £ 22,000.

The cake studded by Gold and Diamond
With prices that high, it's not 'bear' to cut. However, by the owner, Carl Weininger, the cake will be cut and served to the guests who come to the party 60th birthday, December 5, 2011, forthcoming.

Based on the Faberge Easter, lavish desserts are made using the best ingredients. The maker, chef Marc Guilbert using Belgian chocolate, which combined with peach, orange and whiskey to make champagne jelly and almond sponge cake layered make, as a baseline.

After the gold leaf and placed flowers, this cake looks very luxurious. Decorations not finished there, as well as two-carat diamonds on it.

"I'm the type who is very impulsive. When I saw it on television, this cake as it continues to be in my head. I'm also not someone who likes chocolate, but all women who have tasted it say it's wow," said Carl Weininger, quoted by the Daily Mail.

This expensive cake, was launched last October in celebration of National Chocolate Week. But, this cake can not enter the record books until a buyer. Stephen Broughton Hotel Lindeth Howe, who was assigned to carry out this expensive cake project, said they were happy that the cake had been sold.
"We are delighted to have been selling desserts and hopes to enter the Guinness Book of Records," said Broughton.

Previously, the most expensive dessert in the world held by 'Frrozen Haute Chocolate'. Chocolate is made by Serendipity Restaurant, New York and the price is £ 12,000.

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 6:25 PM

How sex affects the way you spend

How sex drives your spending

Marketers know how to appeal to your emotions and hormones -- and can even create 'false memories' -- to make their products seem more desirable.

There's a reason casinos hire attractive women as waitresses, says Gad Saad, a professor of marketing at Concordia University in Montreal. It turns out -- surprise --that men respond in highly predictable ways when influenced by thoughts of sex. Populate a casino with the right servers, and men are likely to act in ways that penalize their wallets and boost the house's profits.

Saad, who studies how evolution has influenced human behavior, says that aroused men "engage in greater discounting." That's psych talk for short-term thinking. Men are also willing to take greater risks and exhibit what Saad calls "peacock behavior."

Our inner peacock
In the avian world, the peacock with the biggest, most colorful tail gets to mate. Flashing a wad of cash or sitting behind a big stack of chips is a way for the male of our species to show off his feathers. So a comely waitress brings out a man's short-term-thinking, risk-taking inner peacock, which plays right into the casino's bottom line as the customer makes big, wanton bets.

Saad, the author of "The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal about Human Nature," specializes in studying about how evolution affects consumption. His goal is to explain how you behave when you buy things, and his insights can make you a better consumer.

Saad says that indulging in boy toys can actually change a man's chemistry. An experiment he conducted showed a rise in testosterone levels among men driving powerful and expensive sports cars. But men driving ordinary sedans showed no hormonal changes. (Factor that in before you buy a Porsche.)

Saad's simple prescription: Don't make financial decisions based on images that are still tugging on your emotions. But, he adds, although certain stimuli can have a powerful influence on behavior, "nothing is predetermined." You can overcome ingrained impulses by thinking rationally and carefully comparing your choices when shopping.

'Mad Men' manipulation
Tapping evolutionary impulses is just one way marketers manipulate our brains. Some recent experiments have shown that the right type of ad can implant memories of a product we've never tried -- or that may not even exist.

Consider an experiment involving Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Fresh microwave popcorn, that buttery, salty staple of home theaters. A group of college students saw vivid images of happy people enjoying the popcorn and heard tempting descriptions of its taste. Another group saw relatively subdued print ads. Some students from both groups got to taste the stuff.

A week later, the students were quizzed about their experiences. Not surprisingly, those who had seen the low-key ads and hadn't tasted the popcorn reported that they'd never tried it. But many of those who hadn't tried the popcorn but had watched the vivid-image ads were certain they had tried it. By the way, the Gourmet Fresh variety doesn't exist. Subjects were given a real Redenbacher's product to sample.

Further, those who hadn't actually tasted the popcorn but were fed the slick ads rated the popcorn as just as delicious as those who had tried it. Says Nicole Montgomery, an assistant professor of marketing at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va., and one of the study's co-authors: "We were incredibly surprised by some of these effects. The fact that our memory is so fallible continues to fascinate us."

Other findings: You're more likely to create false memories if you're already familiar with a brand and have a favorable impression of it. Also, the more time that elapses after you see an ad, the more murky the message's source becomes, and so the more likely it is to insinuate itself into your memory.

Montgomery's takeaway: She tries to note how ads affect her. "My hope is, that helps me stave off some of these false-memory effects. I pay a lot more attention to what I'm buying, I'll tell you that.

Adapted from MSN Money

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 3:00 AM

War Dogs May Struggle With PTSD

After duty, dogs suffer like soldiers
At least 5 percent used in Iraq and Afghanistan struggle with PTSD

SAN ANTONIO — The call came into the behavior specialists here from a doctor in Afghanistan. His patient had just been through a firefight and now was cowering under a cot, refusing to come out.
Apparently even the chew toys hadn’t worked.

Dereck Stevens bonds with his military working dog
before a practice drill at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.
Post-traumatic stress disorder, thought Dr. Walter F. Burghardt Jr., chief of behavioral medicine at the Daniel E. Holland Military Working Dog Hospital at Lackland Air Force Base. Specifically, canine PTSD.
If anyone needed evidence of the frontline role played by dogs in war these days, here is the latest: the four-legged, wet-nosed troops used to sniff out mines, track down enemy fighters and clear buildings are struggling with the mental strains of combat nearly as much as their human counterparts.

By some estimates, more than 5 percent of the approximately 650 military dogs deployed by American combat forces are developing canine PTSD. Of those, about half are likely to be retired from service, Dr. Burghardt said.

Daily Nightly: Battlefield pooches get rewarded for loyalty
Though veterinarians have long diagnosed behavioral problems in animals, the concept of canine PTSD is only about 18 months old, and still being debated. But it has gained vogue among military veterinarians, who have been seeing patterns of troubling behavior among dogs exposed to explosions, gunfire and other combat-related violence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Like humans with the analogous disorder, different dogs show different symptoms. Some become hyper-vigilant. Others avoid buildings or work areas that they had previously been comfortable in. Some undergo sharp changes in temperament, becoming unusually aggressive with their handlers, or clingy and timid. Most crucially, many stop doing the tasks they were trained to perform.

“If the dog is trained to find improvised explosives and it looks like it’s working, but isn’t, it’s not just the dog that’s at risk,” Dr. Burghardt said. “This is a human health issue as well.”

That the military is taking a serious interest in canine PTSD underscores the importance of working dogs in the current wars. Once used primarily as furry sentries, military dogs — most are German shepherds, followed by Belgian Malinois and Labrador retrievers — have branched out into an array of specialized tasks.

They are widely considered the most effective tools for detecting the improvised explosive devices, or I.E.D.’s, frequently used in Afghanistan. Typically made from fertilizer and chemicals, and containing little or no metal, those buried bombs can be nearly impossible to find with standard mine-sweeping instruments. In the past three years, I.E.D.’s have become the major cause of casualties in Afghanistan.

The Marine Corps also has begun using specially trained dogs to track Taliban fighters and bomb-makers. And Special Operations commandos train their own dogs to accompany elite teams on secret missions like the Navy SEAL raid that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Across all the forces, more than 50 military dogs have been killed since 2005.

The number of working dogs on active duty has risen to 2,700, from 1,800 in 2001, and the training school headquartered here at Lackland has gotten busy, preparing about 500 dogs a year. So has the Holland hospital, the Pentagon’s canine version of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Dr. Burghardt, a lanky 59-year-old who retired last year from the Air Force as a colonel, rarely sees his PTSD patients in the flesh. Consultations with veterinarians in the field are generally done by phone, e-mail or Skype, and often involve video documentation.

In a series of videos that Dr. Burghardt uses to train veterinarians to spot canine PTSD, one shepherd barks wildly at the sound of gunfire that it had once tolerated in silence. Another can be seen confidently inspecting the interior of cars but then refusing to go inside a bus or a building. Another sits listlessly on a barrier wall, then after finally responding to its handler’s summons, runs away from a group of Afghan soldiers.

In each case, Dr. Burghardt theorizes, the dogs were using an object, vehicle or person as a “cue” for some violence they had witnessed. “If you want to put doggy thoughts into their heads,” he said, “the dog is thinking: when I see this kind of individual, things go boom, and I’m distressed.”

Treatment can be tricky. Since the patient cannot explain what is wrong, veterinarians and handlers must make educated guesses about the traumatizing events. Care can be as simple as taking a dog off patrol and giving it lots of exercise, playtime and gentle obedience training.

More serious cases will receive what Dr. Burghardt calls “desensitization counterconditioning,” which entails exposing the dog at a safe distance to a sight or sound that might set off a reaction — a gunshot, a loud bang or a vehicle, for instance. If the dog does not react, it is rewarded, and the trigger — “the spider in a glass box,” Dr. Burghardt calls it — is moved progressively closer.

Gina, a shepherd with PTSD who was the subject of news articleslast year, was successfully treated with desensitization and has been cleared to deploy again, said Tech. Sgt. Amanda Callahan, a spokeswoman at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado.

Some dogs are also treated with the same medications used to fight panic attacks in humans. Dr. Burghardt asserts that medications seem particularly effective when administered soon after traumatizing events. The Labrador retriever that cowered under a cot after a firefight, for instance, was given Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug, and within days was working well again.

Dogs that do not recover quickly are returned to their home bases for longer-term treatment. But if they continue to show symptoms after three months, they are usually retired or transferred to different duties, Dr. Burghardt said.

As with humans, there is much debate about treatment, with little research yet to guide veterinarians. Lee Charles Kelley, a dog trainer who writes a blog for Psychology Today called “My Puppy, My Self,”says medications should be used only as a stopgap. “We don’t even know how they work in people,” he said.
In the civilian dog world, a growing number of animal behaviorists seem to be endorsing the concept of canine PTSD, saying it also affects household pets who experience car accidents and even less traumatic events.

Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, director of the animal behavior clinic at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuft University, said he had written about and treated dogs with PTSD-like symptoms for years — but did not call it PTSD until recently. Asked if the disorder could be cured, Dr. Dodman said probably not.
“It is more management,” he said. “Dogs never forget.”

Quoted from MSNBC

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 2:49 AM

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Greatest Mass Migrations That Leave Us Awestruck

These are 10 great migrations that leave us awestruck;

1. Great Migrations: Wildebeest
Seeing just one animal in the wild can be a unique experience; seeing thousands moving at one time is unforgettable. Here are 10 of nature’s greatest animal spectacles.

Text by Heidi Schuessler, Bing Travel; photo editing by Connie Ricca.

One of nature’s greatest spectacles is the migration of 1.5 million wildebeest as they move from the Masai Mara in Kenya to the plains of the Serengeti, near the Ngorongoro Crater. While drought often forces them to start moving in May or June, their journey is virtually continuous as they travel constantly in search of food and greener pastures. Safari companies in Kenya and Tanzania build trips around viewing the “great migration,” and to see the wildebeest crossing the Mara River en masse is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

2. Great Migrations: Monarch butterflies
Thin wings and daunting distances can’t hamper the annual winter migration of monarch butterflies to their two wintering grounds in California and Mexico. Butterflies west of the Rockies flit their way to the eucalyptus forests of southern California between October and February; towns good for viewing include Pismo Beach, Santa Cruz and Malibu. Butterflies from east of the Rockies migrate 2,500 miles to the oyamel forests of Michoacan, Mexico, and flock in such great number to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve and El Rosario Sanctuary that the trees bend with their weight. Each year more than 200 million colorful monarchs make the perilous journey, made more difficult by destruction of habitat and drought in Texas.

3. Great Migrations: Polar bears
Each October, approximately 1,000 polar bears converge on the small town of Churchill, Manitoba, while they wait for the Hudson Bay to freeze over. Once it does, the bears walk more than 100 miles over the ice in their hunt for seals. The migration typically lasts through the end of November and makes a fabulous sight for tourists who trek to the barren tundra in hopes of sighting the white bears, usually from the safety of tundra buggies. If you can’t make it to Churchill, you can now watch the migration via streaming webcam.

4. Great Migrations: Caribou

The Porcupine caribou herd in Alaska is 150,000 animals strong, and each year the herd travels more than 400 miles between its winter grounds — in the Brooks Range and Canadian Yukon — and its summer calving ground in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The animals spend November to April foraging for food below the tree line, sometimes in temperatures as low as minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit. In spring, the pregnant cows start to move north to the calving grounds, followed by the bulls in June. The entire herd is always on the move, sometimes just to find a breezy spot where they can escape summer’s pesky mosquitoes. By September, the weather turns cool again and the animals start moving south to start the cycle over again. Migration routes vary each year, but towns like Kotzebue and Arctic Village, Alaska, are sometimes good places to spot caribou.

5. Great Migrations: Gray whales

The longest migration of any mammal on Earth belongs to the gray whale, which travels up to 7,000 miles — one way — from Alaska’s Bering and Chuchki seas, where food is plentiful, to the coast of Baja California. The whales begin moving south in October and travel along the Pacific Coast for up to three months — they’re slow swimmers, covering about five miles a day — before they reach the warm waters of San Ignacio Lagoon. The calves are born there, typically in late December and January, and in February the cycle starts all over again: The males start traveling north, followed soon after by the females and newborn calves. Whale-watching is popular all along the coast; tours are available in San Diego (January to February), to central Oregon (late March) and Washington (April to May).

6. Great Migrations: Red Crab

Australia’s Christmas Island National Park covers more than half of this tropical island in the Indian Ocean. The park is home to the Abbott's booby, the rare frigate bird — and 50 million red crabs. When these bright crustaceans migrate from the inland forests to the coast to breed, they move in such large numbers that roads around the island are closed to let them pass safely. Local conservationists have also created crab bridges and crab crossings to help them in their journey, which coincides with the start of the rainy season in October or November.

7. Great Migrations: American Bison

Yellowstone National Park is home to 3,700 American bison that migrate from the high plateaus in winter to lower grasslands in search of food. Encountering a 2,000-pound bull in the wild is an exciting part of any Yellowstone visit, and according to the National Park Service, Yellowstone is the only place in America where bison have lived continuously since prehistoric times. Unfortunately, the bison are at the center of an ongoing controversy. During harsh winters, they will often migrate beyond the park into neighboring lands, and the park service says, “Bison require special attention because many have been exposed to the bacteria that causes brucellosis, a disease that also infects domestic cattle.” Yellowstone’s two herds can be typically seen in the Lamar Valley, Upper and Lower Geyser Basins and Hayden Valley.

8. Great Migrations: Zebras

In Africa, the wildebeest migration often gets top billing for safari-goers’ bucket list, but Botswana’s zebra migration comes in a close second. Makgadikgadi National Park and Nxai Pan National Park are where visitors can see up to 25,000 zebras as they move in search of water during the dry season. From about June to September the animals leave the dry salt pans and congregate around water sources such as the Boteti River flowing from the Okavango Delta. Seasonal rains bring other animals as well, such as the greater flamingo, in large numbers.

9. Great Migrations: Ruby-throated hummingbird

Hummingbirds are amazing birds, and not just because they’re so small and beat their wings 53 times each second. The ruby-throated species is migratory, making its way from breeding grounds in Canada and the eastern United States to wintering grounds in southern Mexico and Central America. The jewel-colored birds (see photos) fatten up to fuel their flight, which usually includes a dangerous stretch over the open water of the Gulf of Mexico. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are mostly gone from the U.S. by late September, only to return again starting in February. (Some are visible in Florida year-round.)

10. Great Migrations: Pacific salmon

Talk about the circle of life: Pacific salmon begin their lives in fresh water, migrate to the ocean as adults, then return to their native freshwater streams to spawn and die. In the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia and Alaska, salmon of various species make the journey — sometimes as far as 2,000 miles — to fulfill their life cycle. Travelers to southeast Alaska towns of Sitka, Ketchikan, Juneau and others can watch massive king salmon returning to freshwater streams and rivers between May and July; silver, or coho, salmon run in the southeast from July to November.

Sources : Bing

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:44 AM

Can the Packers Pull Off a Perfect Season?

Who stands between Green Bay and 16-0

Green Bay will take an 11-0 record into December.

If this happened a few years ago, the 1972 Miami Dolphins might have started to sweat a little. Media hoopla about whether the Packers can complete a perfect season would also be much higher.

Blame the New England Patriots and Indianapolis Colts for killing that buzz.

The 2007 Patriots already accomplished what some thought impossible in today’s parity-driven NFL — a 16-0 regular-season record. The 2009 Colts had a chance to match the mark when opening 14-0. But unlike a Patriots team that was pursuing perfection and didn’t want to risk losing momentum entering the postseason, Indianapolis management decided to rest starters for the playoffs and the Colts lost their final two contests.

Each franchise’s individual approach paid dividends as the Patriots and Colts ultimately reached the Super Bowl. They also both lost in the championship game, with New England’s chance for perfection ending against the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLII.

During an interview with last week, Packers head coach Mike McCarthy wouldn’t reveal how he will handle his starters during the final regular-season games if Green Bay is still undefeated and has already clinched the NFC’s No. 1 playoff seed. Based upon how the Packers have played so far, McCarthy may soon have a tough decision to make.

Green Bay has yet to trail in the fourth quarter this season. The Packers are averaging a league-high 34.7 points a game. Aaron Rodgers is on pace for arguably the greatest quarterbacking season in NFL history. Problems on pass defense are mitigated by Green Bay’s NFL-high 22 interceptions. The franchise has won 17 consecutive games dating to last season.

Making all this even more impressive: The Packers are rolling despite being the NFL’s most targeted team as defending Super Bowl champion.

Five upcoming opponents — the New York Giants, Oakland, Kansas City, Chicago and Detroit — stand in the way of Green Bay entering the playoffs at 16-0. Allowing that plenty can and likely will change in the NFL over the next five weeks, here are the keys to victories for the only teams that can knock the Pack back into the pack.

1. At the New York Giants (4:15 p.m. Sunday, FOX): New York has a history of ruining undefeated seasons. Not only did they top the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII, the Giants gave the 1998 Denver Broncos their first loss after a 13-0 start. Just like in that upset of New England, New York’s chances of winning Sunday are tied to its fierce pass rush. The Packers will likely have to protect Rodgers without the services of two injured starting offensive linemen — left tackle Chad Clifton (hamstring) and right guard Josh Sitton (knee). Rodgers has gotten sacked 23 times this season, which is tied for the league’s fifth highest total.

2. Oakland (Dec. 11): The Raiders enter Sunday’s matchup at Miami on a three-game winning streak since Carson Palmer settled in at quarterback. But the key to upending the Packers will be the running game. Oakland ranks fourth in the NFL with a 149.2-yard average even without the services of Darren McFadden. He may be back for the Packers game after missing the past four contests with a sprained foot. If not, the Raiders are still dangerous on the ground thanks to backup Michael Bush. As Tampa Bay’s LeGarrette Blount proved with his 18-carry, 107-yard effort in a Week 10 loss to Green Bay, a bruiser like Bush may be able to have success between the tackles and allow Oakland to control the clock. The latter is a must against an offense as potent as Green Bay’s.

3. At Kansas City (Dec. 18; FOX): With the Chiefs (4-7) unlikely to reach the playoffs, this game will serve as Kansas City’s Super Bowl. Kyle Orton, claimed off waivers last week from Denver, will likely be starting at quarterback by then in place of the ineffective Tyler Palko. Although he won’t be completely comfortable with Kansas City’s offense and receiving targets, Orton does have the benefit of familiarity with Green Bay’s defense. He started against the Packers in a 49-23 loss in Week 4 while with the Broncos. Orton had three touchdowns and three interceptions in a 22-of-32, 273-yard effort.

4. Chicago (Dec. 25): The perfect Christmas gift for the Bears would be the early return of quarterback Jay Cutler from thumb surgery. But unless Cutler heals quicker than expected, the Bears are likely relegated to starting backup Caleb Hanie. The Packers sealed last season’s NFC Championship Game win last season when defensive lineman B.J. Raji returned a Hanie interception for a touchdown with Cutler (knee) on the bench. No matter who is at quarterback, expect a much better defensive effort from the Bears than during their 27-17 home loss to Green Bay in Week 3.

5. Detroit (Jan. 1): The spotlight will be on Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh, who was ejected for stomping a Packers offensive lineman in the third quarter of last Thursday’s 27-15 loss to Green Bay. The Lions quickly unraveled after Suh’s departure, with the Packers scoring two quick touchdowns to take a 21-0 lead. Detroit, though, will enter this rematch knowing they stood toe-to-toe with the Packers for the entire first half. With the Packers concerned about stopping Detroit’s high-powered passing attack, Lions running back Kevin Smith gouged Green Bay for 36 yards on seven carries before suffering a high ankle sprain late in the first quarter. Smith, the best option on a team decimated by running back injuries, should be healthy for this Week 17 matchup.

Adapted from Foxsport
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:35 AM

Do Men Think About Sex All the Time? Maybe Not

Study debunks notion that males focus on the subject far more often than females do
-- Robert Preidt

HealthDay News -- A new study is challenging the widely held notion that men's minds are preoccupied with one topic: sex.

The research in college-age participants suggests that while men do think about sex more often than women, the subject crosses their mind an average of only about 19 times per day, compared to 10 times per day for women.

The results seem to disprove the popular notion that men think about sex every seven seconds, which would total more than 8,000 thoughts about sex in 16 waking hours, the Ohio State University researchers said.

"It's amazing the way people will spout off these fake statistics that men think about sex nearly constantly and so much more often than women do," lead author Terri Fisher, a professor of psychology, said in a university news release. "When a man hears a statement like that, he might think there's something wrong with him because he's not spending that much time thinking about sexuality, and when women hear about this, if they spend significant time thinking about sex they might think there's something wrong with them."

The study also found that men spend more time than women thinking about other biological needs, such as food and sleep.

The study included 163 female and 120 male college students, aged 18 to 25, who recorded their thoughts about sex, sleeping and eating every day for a week.

The frequency of thoughts about sex ranged widely between individual men and individual women -- between one and 388 thoughts per day among the men, and between one and 140 times a day among the women.

"For women, that's a broader range than many people would have expected. And there were no women who reported zero thoughts per day. So women are also thinking about sexuality," Fisher said.

The researchers also found that a person's comfort with sexuality was the best predictor of which people would have sex on the brain most often.

"If you had to know one thing about a person to best predict how often they would be thinking about sex, you'd be better off knowing their emotional orientation toward sexuality, as opposed to knowing whether they were male or female," Fisher said.

"Frequency of thinking about sex is related to variables beyond one's biological sex," she added.

Fisher and her colleagues also found that men thought about food an average of nearly 18 times per day and sleep almost 11 times per day. Women thought about food an average of nearly 15 times per day and about sleep 8.5 times per day.

"Since we looked at those other types of need-related thoughts, we found that it appears that there's not just a sex difference with regard to thoughts about sex, but also with regard to thoughts about sleep and food," Fisher said.

"That's very significant. This suggests males might be having more of these thoughts than women are or they have an easier time identifying the thoughts. It's difficult to know, but what is clear is it's not uniquely sex that they're spending more time thinking about, but other issues related to their biological needs, as well."

The study appears online and in the January print issue of the Journal of Sex Research.

Quoted from MSN

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:20 AM

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

LA Galaxy win 1-0 from Indonesia Team Selection

In the second half, LA Galaxy and Indonesia Team Selection conducted a series of substitutions.

LA Galaxy team win 1-0 from Indonesia Selection in a friendly match, Wednesday, November 30, 2011. Teams from the United States is superior to a single goal by Robbie Keane in the first round.

L.A Galaxy Vs Indonesia Selection 
In a match at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Keane scored in the 13th minute. The former Tottenham Hotspur player was able to capitalize on the chaos in front of goal Indonesia Selection escorted by Andritany Ardiayasa.

LA Galaxy are actually more dominated the first round matches. But until halftime, the Galaxy 1-0.

At the beginning of second half, both teams made ​​some changes. LA Galaxy again dominated the course of action and managed to create a golden opportunity but have not been fruitful goal.

At 68 minutes, Jack McBean had fired a volley. But the ball was still able to be tamed goalkeeper Kurnia Meiga.

David Beckham is retained until the second half. But the former Manchester United failed to score a goal by passing the ball set piece that became his specialty.

In the 75th minute, Beckham got a chance to execute the ball outside the penalty box off Indonesia. But the ball back was wide on the right side of goal Kurnia Meiga.

At 78 minutes, turn off the national team that got the ball from outside the opponent's penalty box. Unfortunately, Bambang Pamungkas still free kick wide on the left side LA Galaxy.

In the 82nd minute, Indonesia Selection re-create the chaos in front of goal LA Galaxy. But Ahmad Bustomi volley back not meet the target. Until the fight was over, Indonesia remains behind 0-1 Selection of the LA Galaxy.

Adapted from VIVAnews
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 10:46 PM

Was TD dance offensive to NYC?

Jets NT: Crash celebration went too far

Jets nose tackle Sione Pouha wasn't laughing at Buffalo Bills wide receiver Stevie Johnson's touchdown celebration over the weekend in New York.
Bills WR Stevie Johnson is under fire for his crash celebration against the Jets.
He wasn't laughing then and he's certainly not laughing now. In fact, Pouha isn't even that mad at Johnson for pretending to "pull a Plaxico Burress" and shoot himself in the leg. What has him fuming? The fact that Johnson pretended to be a crashing jet, according to the New York Post.

Pouha believes that when Johnson acted as if he was a plane crashing to the ground, that it was insensitive to the victims of 9/11.

"Us being from New York, we like to hold ourselves to some integrity, and that airplane thing, in my opinion, was kind of a dagger considering the circumstances of remembrance of what we just had on Sept. 11," Pouha said. “It was just unprofessional. We all stand for pride around here, and that's a sacred moment for a lot of people and it's a very sobering moment."

Sources: MSN
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 10:25 AM

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mystery Pyramid Garut - West Java

Sadagurip alleged pyramids in older and larger than the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Gunung Sadahurip Garut
Based on the results of active fault research in West Java to study the disaster in ancient times led to the surprising discovery: anomaly in the form of a pyramid structure on Mount Sadahurip, Garut, West Java.

Large and exceed the estimated age of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt - which is believed to be the tomb of Pharaoh, the fourth dynasty of Egypt, Khufu, built for more than 20 years during the period around the year 2560 BC.

Now, the mystery of the pyramids in Garut, West Java, is expected to be immediately revealed. Ancient catastrophic disaster team members who formed the Office of the Special Staff of President of the Field of Social Assistance and Disaster, Iwan Sumule said, a number of foreign researchers and archaeologists have offered assistance in the process of excavation.

"Including of France, the United States, and the Netherlands expressed interest to assist excavation," he said in VIVAnews, Tuesday, November 29, 2011.

He added, based on survey results, supported by a number of data, including results of IFSAR image - five feet above the ground, discovered the existence of real structures that are man-made pyramid. "All aspects have been studied, including carbon dating. On Mount Sadahurip it shows the age of rocks over 10,000 years. This means that if the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt dating back some 3,000 years BC, we (Garut) 10,000 years," he added. "The test results of carbon can not be deceived."

The amount also exceeds the pyramids in Egypt. According to Iwan, high pyramid Garut estimated 200 feet. "So we were expecting, taller and older tripled from the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt."

Where such an advanced civilization, and could build a pyramid for it? "We excavation first and then can find out more. It will reveal, the civilization of the past which can come from the earth's amazing archipelago," added Iwan.

Asked about the agenda of excavation, Iwan explained, it is now being coordinated with all concerned parties. "When all is ready, will do the excavation. It's not easy, not like a hoe, hoe the ground. This is very valuable, thousands of years old," he said.

All aspects, he added, should be discussed with all relevant agencies - provides an understanding, that in this place found the pyramid. "For the first phase through the village, they receive, hopefully when the road excavation, is open all," he said. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has also been informed about these findings.

The existence of these pyramids, Iwan added, can provide a positive effect Garut and surrounding communities, particularly the economic and social aspects. "We are delighted to team intends to direct foreign researchers to come," said Iwan. "This will turn all people's views on world prehistory."

Previously, Tim catastrophic Purba said, building the pyramids allegedly not only in Mount Sadahurip. Also found in three other mountain in Garut. "The survey results in Gunung Putri, Mountain and Mount Haruman Kaledong can already be concluded that there was a" man made "strongly suspected pyramid," said Tim VIVAnews.

Research is also conducted at Mount Padang, Cianjur, where the rocks are widespread in the region megaliths sehektare more. Through the geoelectric tests, Team concluded on the site of Mount Padang which is also referred to as the largest megalithic heritage in Southeast Asia there are punden staircase-like structure of the pyramid.

On 5 November, the team also launched, Mount Klothok and a mountain in Sleman, also thought to keep the pyramid structure in it.

Adapted from VIVAnews

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 11:02 PM

Soft-bodied robots squeeze closer

The US defence agency DARPA decided last year that it needed "Chemical Robots" (ChemBots) that could change shape in order to squeeze through small gaps. It's now chosen the people to provide them - US firm iRobot. The company makes the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner (video) and the 'Packbot' used for bomb disposal.
The DARPA programme manager overseeing the project gave a hint at what the robots could be used for:

"During military operations it can be important to gain covert access to denied or hostile space... We believe that a new class of soft, flexible, meso-scale mobile objects that can identify and maneuver through openings smaller than their dimensions to perform various tasks will be quite valuable in many missions."

But as we noted in a special report on DARPA's 50 years of pioneering ideas - many of its projects have made most impact in civilian arenas.

According to the original proposal from DARPA, in just 2 years a prototype approximately the size of a softball - i.e. 10cm across - must achieve all this:

a) travel a distance of 5 meters at a speed of 0.25 meters/minute;
b) achieve a 10-fold reduction in its largest dimension; and
c) squeeze through a 1 cm opening of arbitrary geometry and reconstitute its original size and shape, in 15 seconds.

That's quite a challenge - I wonder how they'll do it? Perhaps a variant of this shape-changing self-rolling wheel could work. Although the version in the image below looks very mechanical, the design could be made in soft materials.

Quoted from Newscientist

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 10:22 PM

Two unique minds meld in 'A Dangerous Method'

TORONTO – By all rights, David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen should be mortal enemies.

Cronenberg, 68, a Toronto native with a storied career as a director, made his mark with body-mangling horror (The Fly, Videodrome) and roots for pro hockey's Maple Leafs.
Actor Viggo Mortensen teams up with director
David Cronenburg for the third time on 'A Dangerous Method.'
Mortensen, 53, the Danish-American actor who lorded over The Lord of the Rings as warrior Aragorn, backs the rival Montreal Canadiens. And he likes nothing better than to rile the locals whenever attending the film festival here by proudly sporting his team's memorabilia.

Instead, they have melded into a potent creative unit as they talk about their just-opened third effort together, A Dangerous Method. The two are cut from the same cloth, thoughtful and perceptive. But there's also a remnant of sly humor.

As an apologetic Mortensen rushes into an interview about 10 minutes late, he asks Cronenberg, "What are you saying?" Teases the director with a pinch of French Canadian: "I am only saying bad things about you comme d'habitude" — which means "as usual."

Their previous collaborations, 2005's A History of Violence and 2007's Eastern Promises (which earned Mortensen his first Oscar nomination), were action thrillers. Method, however, is a different sort of madness. As Cronenberg says, "It's the action of the mind."

Fans of both might be taken aback by the fact-based period piece that details the meeting of two titans of psychoanalysis, Vienna-based Sigmund Freud (Mortensen) and Swiss acolyte Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender), as World War I threatens.

The pair are proponents of the "talking cure," and Jung has found the perfect guinea pig to test out his theories: a highly intelligent yet acutely disturbed Russian woman, Sabina Spielrein, brought to life with jaw-jutting contortions and hysterical screams by Keira Knightley.

Mining Freud's artist side

The subject matter isn't that strange for Cronenberg , who is quick to point out that his first film, a 1966 short titled Transfer, was about a psychiatrist and his patient.

But rarely has one of his films been so dialogue-driven, despite the occasional interlude of kinky S&M between the married Jung and Spielrein, an affair that caused a rift between the doctors. And rarely has Mortensen seemed so authoritarian and stately, even with a phallic cigar always within reach on-screen.
The director is aware that a film as dense with ideas as Method poses certain challenges for the audience. "We knew we were making a film that is like that," Cronenberg says, adding that a second viewing wouldn't hurt. "But there are a lot of instant-consumption movies. You eat them and they're gone."

One matter to chew over: a neo-hippie like Mortensen embodying the grizzled, tweed-suited father of psychiatry. Even the actor initially had a difficult time picturing himself as Freud. Says the director: "It's not obvious casting. It took a phone call from me to encourage Viggo."

Mortensen eventually gave in. "If another director had asked me, I probably wouldn't have taken the plunge. But because I know him and I trust him and we communicate well, I agreed. I wasn't sure. But then I felt there was something to it. It's fun to surprise people now and then. I feel good about it."

As someone who prides himself on his cultural pursuits beyond Hollywood, including painting, poetry and music, Mortensen managed to find a connection to Freud the artist.

"One of my favorite quotes of Freud's is when he says, 'Every place I go I find a poet has been there before me,' " Mortensen says. "He thought of himself as a literary figure. And other people did, too. There were academics who seriously were pushing for him to be nominated for a Nobel Prize. But there was a difference of opinion whether it should be for science or literature."

Darkened eyes, a fake nose, facial hair and about 20 extra pounds also helped him pull off the illusion. Besides, Cronenberg was showing a Freud in his prime. "Not the old frail man we all know, bearded and skinny," he says.

Mortensen's wider range

Given the shrink-wrapped circumstances, it's highly appropriate that Fassbender declares it was "just a dream" being a boundary-breaking Jung opposite Mortensen's wily Freud, adding, "He's such an original dude." As for Cronenberg, "his films have a darker edge to them, but he is so light, generous and loving. Viggo said, 'It's different working with David,' and it is. They both have such a strong bond. But they are both generous and open, too."

Although Cronenberg claims he first hired Mortensen for Violence "because he was cheap," the star also was hot off his success in Rings and had built a loyal following. The actor, meanwhile, was fearful of being typecast by the trilogy that ended in 2003. "I wanted to remind people I didn't come from Middle Earth."
The result is a relationship that will likely continue for some time. The director's analysis? "It's inevitable."

Quoted from USAtoday
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 9:42 PM

Feds seize 150 websites in counterfeit crackdown

WASHINGTON – Federal authorities have shut down 150 websites accused of selling knock-off or pirated merchandise to unsuspecting online bargain hunters.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton and Assistant U.S. Attorney Lanny A. Breuer announced the results of the ICE and FBI three-month investigation on "Cyber Monday," the day that for many shoppers kicks off the online holiday shopping season.

The government seized the domain names for the sites that sold everything from fake replica NBA jerseys to replica Louis Vuitton handbags and imitation Ugg boots.

"This is straight crime," Morton said. "This is people being duped into buying a counterfeit."
The federal government has seized the domain names of 350 websites since first targeting online counterfeiters in June 2010. Each investigation, Morton said, has grown.

Visitors to the seized domains are now greeted with a message from federal authorities explaining that the site has been seized by the government and a warning that "willful copyright infringement is a federal crime."
Morton and Breuer said while the domain names were registered in the United States most of the websites were run from abroad, primarily in China. No one has been charged with a crime in connection with the most recently seized domains. But Breuer said the investigations are ongoing.

Earlier this year five people were indicted in Virginia on conspiracy and copyright infringement charges for their roles in operating a website that the Justice Department said allowed people to illegally download high-quality movies and television shows.

Four people accused of running have pleaded guilty. A fifth person is being sought.
It's unclear how much money the seized sites have made, or potentially cost legitimate companies. Breuer said since the crackdown on counterfeit sellers started last year, Internet users have gone to the seized domains more than 77 million times.

"Typically we don't track the volumes of sales of these particular sites," Morton said, adding that criminal organizations often hide ill-gotten profits. "It is very large figures. Well, well above millions."
Morton said it may seem like a trivial thing to buy a knock-off football jersey or look-alike sunglasses, but the profits seized by counterfeiters can help fund far more nefarious activities.

"This is increasingly not simply a matter of mom and pop violations at the corner of Fourth and Main," Morton said. "We are worried about organized crime and (that profits) are going to fuel other criminal activity."

Morton would not say if organized criminal groups are suspected of running any of the seized sites to help fund other criminal acts.

Quoted from USAtoday
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 9:24 PM

40,000 troops to leave Afghanistan by end of 2012

Afghan villagers look on as a U.S. soldier keeps watch during a mission.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Drawdown plans announced by the U.S. and more than a dozen other nations will shrink the foreign military footprint in Afghanistan by 40,000 troops at the close of next year, leaving Afghan forces increasingly on the frontlines of the decade-long war.

The United States is pulling out the most — 33,000 by the end of 2012. That's one-third of 101,000 American troops who were in Afghanistan in June — the peak of U.S. military presence in the war, according to figures provided by the Pentagon.

Others in the 49-nation coalition have announced withdrawal plans too, even as they insist they are not rushing to leave. Many nations have vowed to keep troops in Afghanistan to continue training the Afghan police and army in the years to come. And many have pledged to keep sending aid to the impoverished country after the international combat mission ends in 2014.

Still, the exit is making Afghans nervous.

They fear their nation could plunge into civil war once the foreign forces go home. Their confidence in the Afghan security forces has risen, but they don't share the U.S.-led coalition's stated belief that the Afghan soldiers and policemen will be ready to secure the entire nation in three years. Others worry the Afghan economy will collapse if foreigners leave and donors get stingy with aid.

Foreign forces began leaving Afghanistan this year.

About 14,000 foreign troops will withdraw by the end of December, according to an Associated Press review of more than a dozen nations' drawdown plans. The United States is pulling out 10,000 service members this year; Canada withdrew 2,850 combat forces this summer; France and Britain will each send about 400 home; Poland is recalling 200; and Denmark and Slovenia are pulling out about 120 combined.
Troop cutbacks will be deeper next year when an estimated 26,000 more will leave. That figure includes 23,000 Americans; 950 Germans; 600 more French; 500 additional Britons; 400 Poles; 290 Belgians; 156 Spaniards; and 100 Swedes.

Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, told the AP that the number of Marines in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan will drop "markedly" in 2012, and the role of those who stay will shift from countering the insurgency to training and advising Afghan security forces.

Amos declined to discuss the number of Marines expected to leave in 2012.

There are now about 19,400 Marines in Helmand, and that is scheduled to fall to about 18,500 by the end of this year.

"Am I OK with that? The answer is 'yes,'" Amos said. "We can't stay in Afghanistan forever."
"Will it work? I don't know. But I know we'll do our part."

Additional troop cuts or accelerated withdrawals are possible.
Many other countries, including Hungary, Finland and Italy, are finalizing their withdrawal schedules. Presidential elections in Europe and the European debt crisis also could speed up pullout plans. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said this week that Australia's training mission could be completed before the 2014 target date.

Back in June, then-U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that when the Obama administration begins pulling troops from Afghanistan, the U.S. will resist a rush to the exists, "and we expect the same from our allies." Gates said it was critically important that a plan for winding down NATO's combat role by the end of 2014 did not squander gains made against the Taliban that were won at great cost in lives and money.

"The more U.S. forces draw down, the more it gives the green light for our international partners to also head for the exits," said Jeffrey Dressler, a senior research analyst at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington. "There is a cyclical effect here that is hard to temper once it gets going."

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jimmie Cummings Jr. said the cutbacks that have been announced will not affect the coalition's ability to fight the insurgency.
"We are getting more Afghans into the field and we are transferring more responsibility to them in many areas," Cummings said, adding that many leaders of the Taliban, al-Qaida and the Haqqani militant networks have been captured or killed.

Afghan security forces started taking the lead in seven areas in July. They soon will assume responsibility for many more regions as part of a gradual process that will put Afghans in charge of security across the nation by the end of 2014.

Some countries are lobbying to start transition as soon as possible in areas where they have their troops deployed — so they can go home, said a senior NATO official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss transition. The official insisted that those desires were not driving decisions on where Afghan troops are taking the lead. But the official said that because they want to leave, a number of troop-contributing nations faced with declining public support at home have started working harder to get their areas ready to hand off to Afghan forces.

"The big question (after 2014) is if the Afghan security forces can take on an externally based insurgency with support from the Pakistani security establishment and all that entails," Dressler said. "I think they will have a real challenge on their hands if the U.S. and NATO countries do not address Pakistani sponsorship of these groups."

Quoted from USAtoday
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 8:47 PM

Wifi-enabled laptops may be nuking sperm

The digital age has left men's nether parts in a squeeze, if you believe the latest science on semen, laptops and wireless connections.
In a report in the venerable medical journal Fertility and Sterility, Argentinian scientists describe how they got semen samples from 29 healthy men, placed a few drops under a laptop connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi and then hit download.

Four hours later, the semen was, eh, well-done.

A quarter of the sperm were no longer swimming around, for instance, compared to just 14 percent from semen samples stored at the same temperature away from the computer.

And nine percent of the sperm showed DNA damage, three-fold more than the comparison samples.

The culprit? Electromagnetic radiation generated during wireless communication, say Conrado Avendano of Nascentis Medicina Reproductiva in Cordoba and colleagues.

"Our data suggest that the use of a laptop computer wirelessly connected to the internet and positioned near the male reproductive organs may decrease human sperm quality," they write in their report.

"At present we do not know whether this effect is induced by all laptop computers connected by Wi-Fi to the internet or what use conditions heighten this effect."

A separate test with a laptop that was on, but not wirelessly connected, found negligible EM radiation from the machine alone.

The findings fuel concerns raised by a few other research teams.

Some have found that radiation from cell phones creates feeble sperm in the lab, for example. And last year urologists described how a man's sitting with a laptop balanced on his knees can crank up the temperature of his scrotum to levels that aren't good for sperm. (See Reuters Health story of November 8, 2010, at

So between the heat and the radiation from today's electronic devices, testicles would seem to be hard-pressed.

But that is not at all clear, said Dr. Robert Oates, who has managed to father two kids despite having both a laptop and an iPad.

The president of the Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, Oates told Reuters Health he doesn't believe laptops are a significant threat to male reproductive health.

"This is not real-life biology, this is a completely artificial setting," he said about the new study. "It is scientifically interesting, but to me it doesn't have any human biological relevance."

He added that so far, no study has ever looked at whether laptop use has any influence on fertility or pregnancy outcomes.

"Suddenly all of this angst is created for real-life actual persons that doesn't have to be," said Oates, also of Boston Medical Center.

According to the American Urological Association, nearly one in six couples in the US have trouble conceiving a baby, and about half the time the man is at the root of the problem.

While the impact of modern technology is still murky, lifestyle does matter, researchers say.

Earlier this month, a report in Fertility and Sterility showed that men who eat a diet rich in fruit and grains and low in red meat, alcohol and coffee have a better shot at getting their partner pregnant during fertility treatment. (See Reuters Health story of November 18, 2011, at

"You should be keeping yourself healthy," including staying lean, eating healthy foods, exercising, not taking drugs and not smoking, agreed Oates.

And for those laptop worries, he mused, "I don't know how many people use laptops on their laps anyway."

Quoted from MSN
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 1:24 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2011

States With the Highest Car Insurance

A national survey of premiums lists the most expensive places to get coverage. Is where you live among the leaders of the pack?
By Des Toups,

Where you pay more for coverage
You can probably get the same deal, within a few dollars, on a new car in any of the 50 states. But you can't do the same for car insurance. In some states, you'll pay nearly three times as much for the same coverage on the same car, with the same driver. Here's a look at where rates are highest.

Our data from Quadrant Information Services sampled 10 ZIP codes and six carriers in each state, calculating rates on more than 2,000 new vehicles for a 40-year-old single male driver who commutes 12 miles. Coverage limits were $100,000 for injury liability for one person, $300,000 per accident and $50,000 for property damage, with a $500 deductible on collision and comprehensive coverage. The policy included uninsured motorist coverage.

These top 10 Highest car insurance rates by state


Insurance on a 2011 model tops out at an average of $2,541 in Michigan, the highest rate in the nation. Its no-fault system provides what amounts to unlimited medical care, and about 19% of drivers were uninsured in the Insurance Research Council's most recent survey. "Driver responsibility fees" can add hundreds of dollars to the cost of keeping a driver's license, too. 


Elected judges hear cases for accident claims under $50,000, and you don't get re-elected by being stingy, Louisiana car insurance experts say. That reality contributes to an average bill of $2,453 for a 2011 model car, second highest in the nation. About 13% of Louisiana's drivers were uninsured. Louisiana is one of several states with a "no pay, no play" law that limits damages uninsured drivers can receive.


Wild weather and uninsured drivers forced rates for 2011 models in Oklahoma up to an average of $2,197, third highest in the nation. Hailstorms routinely pummel thousands of cars in a few moments, and their owners face decisions over whether to wait for the next time or file a claim -- if they have coverage, that is. Nearly one in four Oklahoma drivers is uninsured, the second-highest rate in the country.


Montana's a big state, and that means more miles and more risk. The cost of insuring a 2011 model averaged $2,190, fourth highest in the nation. Montana's fatality rate of 2.12 per 100 million miles driven is nearly twice the national average. About 11% of Montana drivers are uninsured. A caveat: The highways are wide open, but they do ticket, and the ticket will follow you home.

Washington. D.C.
Rates for full coverage in Washington, D.C., averaged $2,146 for 2011 models, fifth highest in the nation, and about 15% of District of Columbia drivers lack insurance, slightly above the national average. Even a bare-bones, minimum-liability-only policy on a beater car would set you back $1,172 a year.

California drivers pay an average of $1,991 a year to insure their 2011 models, the sixth-highest rate in the country. Rampant auto theft and a large population of uninsured motorists -- about 15% of all drivers -- push up rates for all. California does offer a low-cost program for low-income drivers, though.

The nation's poorest state, Mississippi, has the highest rate of uninsured drivers and the seventh-highest average premium for 2011 models, at $1,896. About 28% of drivers in the Magnolia State drive without insurance -- something that's illegal in every state except New Hampshire.

New Mexico

Premiums for 2011 models in New Mexico average $1,837 a year, eighth highest in the nation. The biggest factor? About 26% of state drivers don't carry insurance, the second-worst rate in the nation and the reason why uninsured motorist coverage is becoming more critical.

Arkansans pay an average of $1,836 to insure a 2011 model car, the ninth-highest rate in the country and well above the national average of $1,561. About 16% of the state's drivers are uninsured.

In Maryland, the average premium for a 2011 model is $1,807, the 10th-highest rate in the nation. About 15% of Maryland drivers are uninsured, slightly above the national average.

Quoted from MSN

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 4:33 AM