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Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Best Ways How to Get Bitcoin for Free

Earning Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an absolutely new revolutionary concept: digital currency of a new era, product of an open-source project created by Japanese geek Satoshi Nakamoto, called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. 

Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are no transaction fees and no need to give your real name. More merchants are beginning to accept them: You can buy services, Cars or Trade Forex.

Bitcoin Units Conversion

Here are bitcoin units conversion from the smalest to the highest.

0.00000001 BTC = 1 satoshi
0.0000001 BTC = 10 satoshi
0.000001 BTC = 1 uBTC (micro)
0.00001 BTC = 10 uBTC
0.0001 BTC = 100 uBTC
0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC (milli)
0.01 BTC = 10 mBTC
0.1 BTC = 100 mBTC
1 BTC = 1 BTC
10 BTC = 10 BTC
100 BTC = 100 BTC
1.000 BTC = 1 kBTC (kilo)
10.000 BTC = 10 kBTC
100.000 BTC = 100 kBTC
1.000.000 BTC = 1 MBTC (mega)
10.000.000 BTC = 10 MBTC

Not sure how to use bitcoin?

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Creating a Blockchain account allows you to receive and store your bitcoin safely (just like a real bank), as well as send and transfer bitcoin when you need to. You can also use Coinbase to buy and sell bitcoin for US dollars.

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 4:56 AM

School Visits

English Articles School Visits

Visits by parents and their children to evaluate a school and determine whether it is appropriate for one or more of their children. Evaluative parental visits are usually somewhat unwelcome in public schools, where administrators believe that parents have little choice but to send their children to a particular school. However, parents do have a wide range of SCHOOL CHOICE, and, as in visits to private schools, visits to public schools can simplify that choice by providing such information as whether the school is accredited by the appropriate regional ACCREDITATION ASSOCIATION, how students are doing academically and the colleges to which the school’s graduates have been admitted. Visits also elicit such information as the quality of the school neighborhood, the physical condition of the school and grounds, the classroom teaching methods and atmosphere, the adequacy of the school library facilities, sports and extracurricular activities, special education programs, psychological services and guidance departments, and school security. A school visit may also include an interview with the principal or headmaster to determine the school’s educational philosophy and how that philosophy is translated into concrete results in the form of student achievement.

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:08 AM


English Articles Academy

Academy, originally, in ancient Greece, a public garden outside Athens, dedicated to Athena and other deities and containing a grove and a gymnasium. In these gardens the Greek philosopher Plato met with and instructed his followers, and his informal school came to be known as the Academy. Subsequent schools of philosophy, modeled upon Plato’s, were also called academies; the term was eventually used in ancient times to indicate any institution of higher education or the faculty of such an institution. The most notable academies of the ancient world were the Old Academy, founded (circa 387 BC) by Plato; the Middle Academy, founded by the Greek Platonic philosopher Arcesilaus; and the New Academy, founded by the Greek skeptic philosopher Carneades.

Used to denote a school, the word academy has come to be applied to certain kinds of institutions of learning. The Ritterakademien, or schools for knights, appeared increasingly in Germany after the end of the Thirty Years’ War in 1648. The term academy was adopted in England during the late 17th and the 18th centuries by Puritan religious sects as a name for secondary schools that they organized to provide for the general education of their children; these institutions were especially designed to train young men for the Puritan ministry, because such education could not be obtained in contemporary public schools. The word gradually lost its religious denotation, and by the 19th century it applied to a secondary school for boys corresponding roughly to the gymnasium in Germany. In colonial America, the term academy was introduced by Benjamin Franklin; his proposal resulted in the chartering (1753) of the Academy and Charitable School of the Province of Pennsylvania. In 1755 it was renamed the College and Academy and Charitable School of Philadelphia (now the University of Pennsylvania), with power to grant degrees. On the secondary-school level, the earliest academies, Phillips Andover and Phillips Exeter, founded in 1780 and 1781, respectively, introduced a modern curriculum. The academies were private, religion-oriented boarding schools. As they displaced the colonial Latin grammar schools, so were they largely superseded by the public high school after the American Civil War; those that survive, and other similar institutions, have largely become college-preparatory schools.

As a designation for a school, the word academy is also used in a looser sense to indicate institutions in which special accomplishments such as horseback riding, fencing, or dancing are taught. It may also be applied to schools that prepare students for a particular profession, such as the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, and the U.S. Air Force Academy.

To describe a body of learned men (originally the faculty of a school of philosophy), the word academy has come to be applied to various associations of scholars, artists, literary men, and scientists, organized for the promotion of general or special intellectual or artistic interests and not necessarily connected with any distinct school. Thus, Charlemagne applied the name in 782 to a group of scholars organized at his court. During the Renaissance, academies achieved an intellectual prominence rivaling that of the universities and first displayed their typical modern form. They characteristically consisted of a group of elected or appointed investigators, generally under royal or state patronage, who encouraged learning, literature, and art by research and publication. In the 15th century important academies were organized in Italy, notably at the courts of the Italian rulers Lorenzo and Cosimo de’ Medici. In Italy, too, one of the earliest academies devoted to science was organized in Naples in 1560; a later academy founded in the same city in 1603 included Galileo among its members. Scientific academies such as the Royal Society of London, incorporated in London in 1662, have played roles of the highest importance in scientific progress by encouraging investigations and publicizing their results. Stimulated by royal patronage and more efficient methods of communication among scholars, the foundation of academies reached its height in Germany and northeastern Europe during the 18th century. In France, the most celebrated of all collections of academies was organized in 1795 as the Institut de France. The institute now contains five distinct academies, all but one of which were founded as independent institutions in the 17th century; among the most notable of these are the French Academy and the academies of science and of fine art.

In the U.S., academies have not attained the complexity and prestige of their European models because American scholars have traditionally preferred to organize in learned societies open to all qualified applicants and independent of government support. Academies of the European type include the National Academy of Design and the National Academy of Sciences. The American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, a counterpart of the French Academy, is a subsidiary division of the National Institute of Arts and Letters, which, in turn, is modeled on the Institut de France.
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:07 AM


English Articles of Tutoring

Individualized, one-to-one teaching of a student by a tutor engaged and paid for by the student or the student’s family or guardian. Though modern private instruction at the elementary and secondary education levels is largely limited to HOME SCHOOLING, SPECIAL EDUCATION and lessons in instrumental music, it was the most common form of instruction in early modern England and in the American colonies. With education in 16th- and 17th-century England largely reserved for the wealthy nobility, the latter usually engaged skilled masters in each of the basic subjects they expected their children to learn. In addition to classical academics, private instruction usually included dance, music, swordsmanship, horsemanship and other arts and skills. Schools, as such, were largely reserved for boys preparing for the ministry. Although the early settlers in the American colonies were quick to found primary schools, most were in towns of at least 50 to 100 families, thus leaving children in more isolated areas without access to education except by private instructors. Some of the latter were ministers; others were local parents who were literate enough to teach neighbor children to read, write and calculate for a fee. Still others were itinerant instructors.

By about 1690, there were still fewer than 50 schools in the English colonies. Meanwhile, towns were expanding, trade and industry were thriving and the demand for trained workers soared. Although a swarm of self-instruction books provided many of the young with useful knowledge, apprenticeships and private instruction remained the most effective methods of obtaining a practical education. The former entailed a long and often unpleasant period of semi-servitude; the latter was relatively quick and easy and, though costly, permitted the student to maintain a full-time job that provided funds to pay for his instruction.

The demand for such instruction brought hundreds of private teachers to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, New Haven, Albany, Norfolk and other towns to teach surveying, navigation, bookkeeping, accounting, commerce and other practical arts, as well as academic subjects and even such gentle arts as dancing, needlework and fencing. Philadelphia alone had at least 136 private instructors between 1740 and 1776. Private instruction proved a boon for both teachers and students. The latter could take lessons in the morning, afternoon or evening to accommodate their work schedules. For some tutors, private instruction was a full-time occupation, and some went on to found schools of their own. For others with full-time jobs, private instruction proved a lucrative way of augmenting their income. Thus, scriveners, accountants, translators, surveyors and even merchants spent their off-hours teaching their trades.

In rural areas, itinerant tutors traveled from town to town, offering all levels of primary and secondary education, often tutoring in Greek, Latin and the classics required for acceptance into college. For communities without grammar schools or a learned minister, such itinerant teachers opened the door to higher education that would ordinarily have been shut to rural youngsters. One provided the necessary classical education for Horace Mann to enroll in BROWN UNIVERSITY in 1819. Some obtained retainers from the wealthy, who continued to educate their children at home, but their broader roll in public education diminished to specific instruction unavailable in school—instrumental music, fine art, the dance and, in some instances, special education. As the number of common schools, grammar schools and academies increased in the 19th century, the need for such private instruction diminished. In the decades following the Civil War, as state-run public school systems emerged along with private preparatory schools for the children of the wealthy, private instruction as a force in American education disappeared. Private instructors either became instructors in schools or founded their own entrepreneurial institutions.

The tutoring industry expanded exponentially, however, after passage of the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF 2001, which allows parents in failing public schools to transfer their children to other scholars or to charter schools and to use $500 to $1000 of federal moneys paid to their former schools for private tutoring and after-school and summer school classes. More than 80,000 students in New York City alone are now availing themselves of tutoring services, and 14,000 in Chicago. With $2 billion in NCLB funds earmarked for tutoring, commercial tutoring exploded into a $200 milliona- year industry in 2005, and more than 1,800 “supplemental educational services providers” sent an army of tutors into failing public schools across America.
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:01 AM

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Grammar School

Grammar School

Sydney, Grammar School
Grammar School, originally a school in which the curriculum emphasized the study of Greek and Latin grammar and related subjects. In a graded system of public schools such as that found in the U.S., the term has come to be synonymous with the term elementary school.

During the early Middle Ages, Latin grammar was the main subject taught in the monastic schools, which were the principal European educational institutions of that time. As universities and colleges developed and education became more secular, the Latin grammar school became a college-preparatory school.
Gradually the study of grammar, viewed as one of the seven liberal arts, came to include all subjects relating to written language, such as style. Greek grammar was added to the curriculum during the intellectual phase of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries. The study of vernacular languages entered the curriculum during the Reformation, but was given secondary emphasis. These subjects became the major areas of study in European secondary schools, which were generically called grammar, or Latin grammar, schools.
After the Reformation, many ecclesiastical schools were replaced by more secular institutions, especially in Protestant countries. The German Gymnasium and the British public schools were essentially Latin grammar schools. The French lycée also provided a classical education. Such schools were first established in colonial America during the 17th century. In Boston the Latin Grammar School, founded in 1635, became the prototype of other institutions that provided college-preparatory education for boys.

When free, state-run educational systems were begun in the U.S. during the 19th century, the grammar-school curriculum was incorporated into the public-school system. Although the term grammar school is still used to indicate the level of instruction next above the rudiments of reading and writing, the true grammar-school subjects have been made a part of the academic branch of secondary education in public schools. Some private academies still retain aspects of the European grammar school.
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 11:58 PM

Latin Grammar School

English Articles of Latin Grammar School

A private secondary school developed in England that originally took boys of nine or ten years of age for four to seven years of preparation for college. The first school founded in the American colonies was the Boston Latin School, which opened on April 13, 1635. Latin grammar schools, or, more simply, grammar schools, accepted only boys who could read and knew English grammar and basic mathematics and whose parents could afford the tuition. The Latin school curriculum focused on Latin grammar, but also included study of Greek and some history, geography, geometry, algebra and trigonometry.

The Latin school eventually proved too costly and impractical for life in an expanding frontier nation, and it was replaced by the academy, which offered a broader curriculum. Boston Latin, however, remained one of New England’s most renowned schools, eventually helping to educate some of the foremost American colonialists, including BENJAMIN FRANKLIN.Boston Latin is now a public school with a conventional public school curriculum.
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 11:55 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2015

NASA Launching Satellite Thursday to Track Earth's Dirt from Space

NASA's next Earth-observing satellite is ready to launch Thursday (Jan. 29), and it could vastly improve the way scientists monitor droughts around the world.
© NASA/Randy Beaudoin
The space agency's Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite (SMAP) is scheduled to launch from California's Vandenberg Air Force base atop a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket at 9:20 a.m. EST (1420 GMT) on Jan. 29, and at the moment, weather is looking good ahead of liftoff. Officials are predicting an 80 percent chance of good conditions during the 3-minute launch window Thursday.

The SMAP satellite is designed to measure the moisture of Earth's dirt more accurately than ever before, according to NASA. The probe will make a global map of the planet's soil moisture levels every three days. This measurement is important because it can help scientists create more accurate weather models, learn more about drought conditions and even predict floods, NASA officials have said. [See images from the SMAP mission]

"What the soil measurements will do is improve our weather forecasts, improve our assessments of water availability and also address some issues dealing with long-term climate variability and assessments of the impact of human intervention in the global environment," Dara Entekhabi, SMAP science team leader, said during a news conference Tuesday (Jan. 27). "All of these come together and it's the metabolism, how it responds, just like a human body."

You can watch live coverage of the SMAP satellite launch starting at 7 a.m. EST (1200 GMT) Thursday (Jan. 29) on via NASA TV.

The SMAP probe comes equipped with a huge mesh antenna, expected to be deployed sometime after launch. At nearly 20 feet (6 meters), the antenna is the largest of its kind that NASA has ever flown in space, officials have said. SMAP's antenna is designed to spin at about 14.6 revolutions per minute while mounted to the end of a long arm on the satellite's body.

The satellite is built to measure moisture in the top 2 inches (5 centimeters) of soil from its spot in orbit about 426 miles (685 kilometers) above Earth's surface, completing an orbit once every 98.5 minutes. The satellite's unprecedented soil information could help scientists learn more about how droughts spread and the places where they occur. By knowing the moisture in topsoil ahead of time, it could also help researchers better-predict where floods will happen.

"Soil moisture is a key part of the three cycles that support life on this planet: the water cycle, the energy cycle and the carbon cycle," NASA SMAP program executive Christine Bonniksen, said during the news conference. "These things affect human interest: flood, drought, disease control, weather."

The rocket carrying SMAP will also deliver four small cubesats into Earth's orbit during the launch as part of NASA's Educational Launch of Satellites program. One cubesat, called ExoCube, will monitor the upper atmosphere from orbit. Two Firebird satellites will investigate the radiation environment around Earth, and the GRIFEX satellite is a technology demonstration partially developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  

The $916 million mission is expected to last about three years or more. SMAP is one of five NASA Earth-monitoring satellites originally scheduled for launch in 2014. Three of those missions — Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 satellite, Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory and ISS-RapidScat — got off the ground last year. But SMAP and the recently launched Cloud-Aerosol Transport mission mounted to the International Space Station were delayed until 2015.

Quoted from MSN
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 7:47 AM

Mummified Monk from 200 Years Ago Found Perfectly Preserved in Meditating Pose

The stunning find was discovered in Mongolia with experts reckoning the body has sat undiscovered since the 1800s
The remarkable remains of a mummified Mongolian monk
These are the amazingly intact remains of a monk meditating that have lay undiscovered since sometime in the 1800s.

The discovery of the man sat in the lotus position has sparked a forensic investigation into the unknown religious devotee - with experts' initial evaluation suggesting the mummified remains are at least 200 years old.

The human relic, which had been preserved in animal skin, was found this week in Songinokhairkhan province, according to Mongolia's Morning Newspaper.

Preserved: Experts believe the monk has sat undiscovered for at least 200 years
Investigators are now studying the remains in the capital Ulaanbataar.

In Koh Samui, Thailand, a mummified monk wearing sunglasses - Luong Pordaeng, who died in 1973 – provides an unusual tourist attraction.

Pordaeng sits upright in a glass case at Wat Khunaram temple.

Quoted from Mirror
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 7:40 AM

Jasmine Tridevil, the Triple-Breasted Woman.

Woman has Surgery to Get Third Breast

Jasmine Tridevil, a Floridian massage therapist, has had an operation to give herself a third breast, in what is perhaps the most controversial boob job of 2014.

The 21-year-old previously told how she splurged £12,000 on plastic surgery to get and an extra breast grafted onto her chest.

Speaking at the time, Jasmine told a local radio station how more than 50 doctors turned her down before an unnamed surgeon agreed to do the job.

The third breast was made from a silicone implant and skin tissue from her abdomen.

She said at the time: "It was really hard finding someone that would do it, too, because they’re breaking the code of ethic. I called like 50 or 60 doctors - nobody wanted to do it."

Photos of her were soon circulating across the globe, but all did not seem right and many accused her of concocting an elaborate hoax.

Jasmine had to call 50-60 doctors in order to get her controversial operation. She said: “It was really hard finding someone that would do it, too, because they’re breaking the code of ethics”.

She did it because she wanted a reality TV show on MTV, but she had another reason, too.

“I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. Because I don’t want to date anymore.”

Average: Most women have two breasts

Quoted from Mirror
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 7:29 AM

Knuckle Duster Handbags Potentially Dangerous

'Knuckle Duster Handbags' DESTROYED by Cops Because They are Classified as 'Potentially Dangerous' Weapons

Dangerous? Police have been destroying the clutch bag

Hundreds of the high-fashion clutch bags have been seized because of their provocative handles

Handbags with "knuckle duster" clutches are being destroyed because police believe they are classified as weapons.

Police in Madrid have been confiscating any of the clutch bags found on sale in the city's shops, while others have even been impounded following complaints by the Civil Guard at Barajas airport.

The colorful bags have handles resembling brass knuckles.

Those weapons are illegal, and police are not taking any risks with the young women who sport the handbags.

Security forces have been instructed to seize any "potentially dangerous" bags, and to impose fines on retailers found selling the goods.

The Civil Guard in France destroyed nearly 1,000 rifles and guns last year which were handed in during a weapons amnesty.

The weapons were destroyed alongside 25 brass knuckle bags which also went into the furnace.

Quoted from Mirror
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 7:01 AM