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Monday, December 19, 2011

186Gbps, New Records Speed ​​Data Transmission

This transfer speed defeated the record set in 2009 ago that is 119Gbps​​..

SuperComputing 2011 conference in Seattle, a group of researchers led by scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) managed to record a new record for data transfer over a network, reaching 186Gbps.

By this new speed, users can also transfer 2 gigabytes of data per day,
or approximately 100 thousand submit content Blu-ray in a day.
Record speed data transfer between computer networks opens up new hope for the future of Internet browsing and good news for Internet service providers.
186Gbps speeds beat the record set in 2009 and the 119Gbps. With this new speed, users can transfer 2 million gigabytes of data per day, or approximately 100 thousand pieces of content Blu-ray in a day.

The transfer speed is achieved using a 100Gbps circuits made by non-profit BCNET and CANARIE. Data transmission is achieved when sending data from a data center owned by the University of Victoria in British Columbia to Seattle Convention Centre which reaches a maximum speed of 98Gbps and in the reverse direction, the data transmitted simultaneously at speeds up to 88Gbps.

The test is then performed by transferring data from Seattle to other areas in the United States, and also to Korea and Brazil. Observers say this achievement is significant because scientists use 100Gbps transmission lines are already available commercially, not through a private network in the lab or use a testbed with certain conditions.
Although users do not need to watch 100 thousand Blu-ray films per day, but for scientists, this speed is very important. For example to collaborate when examining the data space and others.

"It has a transmission speed allows us earlier achievements are not possible," said Harvey Newman, quoted from Digital Trends, December 16, 2011. "We can see a brighter future that may never have imagined before," he said.

Adapted from Vivanews
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 1:48 AM

Samsung Beat Apple's popularity

Ad Galaxy S II a satirical iPhone 4S called to be one deciding factor.

Samsung competition with Apple not only held tight at the green table, but also in the popularity of the product. Although considered to be released that mimic Apple's products, but the popularity of Samsung managed to beat Apple.

Apple iPhone 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S II
Based on the public perception survey conducted YouGov, the popularity of Samsung started to beat Apple since last week, or since December 8.

YouGov rate, advertising Samsung Galaxy S II line satirical iPhone 4S as the factors that most influence the popularity of Apple. The ad release 22 November to 1 December.

One of the popularity of Samsung's determination of the questions asked seem to YouGov, namely: "If you hear the brand was in the last two weeks, either through advertising, news, or speech, it's positive or negative?" The result, many positive rate.

Popularity of the iPhone itself began to decline since the end of November, with a value of (buzz score) 33. Currently, Apple's buzz score was recorded about 25.

Meanwhile, in late November, Samsung recorded a buzz score of 19. Whereas today, the Samsung buzz score is 26.

In the ad Galaxy S II, titled "Next Big Thing", Samsung's satirical Apple fanboy who would stand in line long after the iPhone 4S. In fact, according to Samsung's ads, the iPhone 4S does not have a lot of changes. Even the iPhone does not support the 4S 4G technologies, like those of the Galaxy S II.

Adapted from Vivanews
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 1:34 AM

Hair More Shiny by Sugar.

Learn how easy that your crown more beautiful.

Like skin, scalp requiring treatment. Dead skin cells located on the scalp should be cleaned to your healthier hair growth. Anyway, no need to go to the salon to treat the scalp.
Healthy Hair
Make yourself at home, because it is very easy to do. Take advantage of just sugar, since the formula can create a healthier scalp and hair easier to manage.

"Sugar works like alpha hydroxy acid, which can clean the dead skin cells to penetrate the cortex of hair and stimulate the cellular activity of hair follicles," said Sam Brocato, owner of Sam Brocato, New York, as quoted from

Mix in oil almond oil and lime juice can be a herb "miracle" to make you more healthy crown and shiny. Simply create a special sugar ingredients for hair follows.


- 2.5 tablespoons turbinado sugar
- 2.5 tablespoons white sugar
- 1.5 tablespoons of almond oil
- 1.5 tsp lime juice

Pour all ingredients in a bowl. Stir until evenly mixed materials, can use a wooden spoon or chopsticks.
To use, first wash your hair with shampoo. In the event of wet hair, apply a mixture of sugar she gave a massage the scalp gently, for five minutes.
Let stand a few minutes to soak into the scalp. Then, rinse hair with warm water.

Adapted from Vivanews
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 1:24 AM

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Japanese Tunnel was Massacre's tunnel, West Sumatera

The longest Tunnel on the bottom of the town Bukittinggi

Japanese tunnel in Bukittinggi
Japan hole in Bukittinggi is one of the historical attractions in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Japan hole is a tunnel (bunker) the protection of the Japanese occupation forces built around the year 1942 for defense.


Earlier, Japan's Hole was built as a storage supplies and equipment Japanese soldiers of war, with a long tunnel that reaches 1400 m and winding and has a width of about 2 meters. A number of specific rooms contained in this tunnel, among them the space reconnaissance, ambush rooms, prisons, and armory.

One of Japan's entrance into the holes in the Ngarai Sianok 
In addition to its strategic location in the city that was once a center of government of Central Sumatra, the land that became the wall of this tunnel is a type of soil which, when mixed with water will be more robust. Even the earthquake that shook West Sumatra in 2009 and then not much damage to the tunnel structure.

It is estimated that tens to hundreds of thousands of forced labor or romusha deployed from the island of Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan to dig this tunnel. Election workers from outside this area is the Japanese colonial strategy to maintain the confidentiality of this mega project. Labor from Bukittinggi itself deployed them to work on the tunnel defenses in Bandung and Biak Island.

Tourist Attraction

Japan began to run into holes historical attractions in the year 1984, by the town of Bukittinggi. Some of Japan's entrance into these holes are located on Gorges area Sianok, Panorama Park, next to the Bung Hatta Palace and Zoo in Bukittinggi.

Quoted from WIKIPEDIA
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 12:21 AM