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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Lose Weight Test Your Eating Healthy Knowledge

The Ultimate Weight Loss Quiz

Think you know the best way to lose weight? Test your healthy eating knowledge

Choose, and Lose

The road to weight loss is littered with hype. Take this quiz and discover the smart eating strategies that'll help you drop pounds fast

1 Eating six small meals instead of three regular ones...
2 "Reduced Fat!" on a food package also means...
3 White rice or brown?
4 Lifting weights will...
5 Low-carb diets work well mostly because you consume...
6 How much protein can your body digest before the rest goes to waste?
7 The glycemic index is...
8 True or false: Taking fish-oil supplements is a great way to lose weight
9 The newest magic weight-loss pill is...
10 Taking in most of your daily calories at night...
11 Score Yourselves

Quoted from MSN
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 10:08 PM

How Can You Increase Your IQ?

Stay in school (or just play some memory games).

A new study suggests that a person's intelligence quotient can change during his or her teenage years, and those fluctuations are related to physical changes in the structure of the brain. Scientists have been arguing for years over whether a person’s IQ is fixed. Is there a proven way to increase your IQ score?

Yes, but increasing actual intelligence is much more difficult. There’s a really easy way to improve your performance on IQ tests: Take lots of them. Researchers call this the “practice effect,” and it’s pretty foolproof. But there’s a catch. IQ tests are intended to measure something known in the field of psychometrics as g, or general intelligence. The link between IQ tests and the fabled g has been established through decades of longitudinal studies showing that those who do well on IQ tests get better grades, perform better on the SATs, and make more money. The problem with improving your IQ scores by taking the test over and over is that the practice effect breaks the correlation between IQ and g. Practicing only makes you better at the test; it doesn’t make you smarter.

The best known method to improve underlying intelligence is hard work. Teenage dropouts lose between 1.5 and 5 points of IQ for every year of school they miss. People who work in challenging jobs that require problem-solving skills see gradual increases in their IQ scores, while those whose jobs involve mindless repetition see their test scores erode over time. The elderly are at special risk for mental atrophy and declining IQ. It’s difficult to link these IQ differences to changes in g, for a variety of reasons. For example, high school dropouts have less success in life, but it’s not clear whether that’s because of declining general intelligence or because they don’t have a diploma. The problem of how to separate out achievement from aptitude bedevils psychometric research.

Is there a quicker way to get smart? Maybe. In 2008, researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Bern conducted a study in which participants repeatedly played a memory game. Every three seconds, a computer screen displayed a visual pattern. Each time a new pattern appeared, the participant also heard a letter of the alphabet in her headphones. The task was to respond when either a visual pattern or a letter was repeated at some specified delay. As the participants got better at the game, they were asked to identify repeated letters and patterns that were further and further apart in the sequence. The researchers found that their subjects’ scores on IQ-style tests increased as their proficiency at the memory game improved.

It’s not clear why the memory game improves IQ scores, but the study’s authors speculated that it taught participants how to juggle multiple ideas in their heads simultaneously—a useful skill when trying to reason through an IQ exam question. There are still some open questions, though. It’s not yet known whether the skills learned in the memory game are useful in the real world, i.e., whether they increase your g. It’s also unclear whether the skills a person learns in the memory game stick with them. A follow-up study on children suggested that those who showed gains from the practice sessions maintained their skills, but children are somewhat better at picking up new skills than adults. It’s also important to remember that the memory game only improves one aspect of intelligence, albeit an apparently useful one.

Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer.

Explainer thanks Stephen Ceci of Cornell University and author of On Intelligence … More or Less: A Biological Treatise on Intellectual Development, John D. E. Gabrieli of MIT, Robert Sternberg of Oklahoma State University, and Sherry Willis of the University of Washington.

Quoted from Slate

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 7:38 PM

Jakarta Game Show, The Mania Game party - Along with the development of technology and the increasing penetration of internet, the gaming industry in Indonesia is believed to be growing rapidly. In addition, business gaming , as part of the creative industries, is one of 14 industry sectors that will get positive support from the government.

One effort to support the development of the gaming business in Indonesia conducted by Dyandra Promosindo and magazines Hotgame who initially made ​​a big special event industry gaming , Jakarta Game Show (JGS). The event is expected to be a container that brings the various players in the industry gaming Indonesia , ranging from publishers , developers , sellers, and consumers. Jakarta Game Show will be held in conjunction with the exhibition Indocomtech at the Jakarta Convention Center, 2 to 6 November 2011.

This event will be followed by a variety of publisher and developer of games both locally and from abroad. Some publishers were preparing to launch its newest product, one of which is that Prodigy will release their latest gaming products at the exhibition JGS 2011. "Not only displaying the latest gaming products, JGS also presents a variety of activities to be missed by gamers in Indonesia," said Bambang Setiawan, GM Dyandra Promosindo IT Division.

From the release received , mention will be held various competitions will be held during the five-day implementation of JGS 2011. Competitions will take place in several areas of the game. As in the area of competition will take place Game Console by Sony PS3 such as World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012, The Kings of Fighters XIII, and Tekken Hybrid. Area Console Game demos will also be enlivened by the play of the Xbox Kinect and PS3.

Being in the area of Online Games competitions will take place which is supported by several publishers such as IAH Games that will hold the competition FIFA Online and the Battle of Dragonian, Game Wave will carry the competition Heroes of Three Kingdoms (HOTK) and 3 Kingdoms Online.

Prodigy then competition will bring the game online , Battle Of Immortals and Canaan, and do not miss the competition Freejack PAVEO Mini Tournament and Freejack Laptime Record. There are still areas that will bring the Games Arcade JGS Pump It Up Battle Club # 2nd. In addition, Jakarta Game Show 2011 will also be enlivened by Mobile Game Competition.

Adapted from
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Published by Gusti Putra at: 6:46 PM

The New Libya’s First Mistake

Muammar Qaddafi should not have been killed, and his surviving son should be captured.

Surrendering to a feeling of deep impotence and slight absurdity, I borrowed an iPad on Thursday afternoon and used it to send my first-ever message by this means. It was addressed to one of those distinguished Frenchmen who have been at the fore in pressing the outside world to remove Muammar Qaddafi from the obscene toadlike posture in which, for more than four decades, he has squatted on the lives of the Libyan people. Please, I wrote, intercede with your friends on the National Transitional Council, plus any other revolutionary tribunal however constituted, in order to stop the killing of the Qaddafi family and to ensure smooth passage to the dock at the Hague for those who have already been indicted for crimes against humanity.
Simple enough? It is some time since the International Criminal Court in the Hague has announced itself ready and open for business in the matter of Libya. But now Muammar Qaddafi is dead, as reportedly is one of his sons, Mutassim, and not a word has been heard about the legality or propriety of the business. No Libyan spokesman even alluded to the court in their announcements of the dictator’s ugly demise. The president of the United States spoke as if the option of an arraignment had never even come up. In this, he was seconded by his secretary of state, who was fresh from a visit to Libya but confined herself to various breezy remarks, one of them to the effect that it would aid the transition if Qaddafi was to be killed. British Prime Minister David Cameron, who did find time to mention the international victims of Qaddafi’s years of terror, likewise omitted to mention the option of a trial.

Among other things, this tacit agreement persuades me that no general instruction was ever issued to the forces closing in on Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte. Nothing to the effect of: Kill him if you absolutely must, but try and put him under arrest and have him (and others named, whether family or otherwise) transferred to the Netherlands. At any rate, it seems certain that even if any such order was promulgated, it was not very forcefully.

At the close of an obscene regime, especially one that has shown it would rather destroy society and the state than surrender power, it is natural for people to hope for something like an exorcism. It is satisfying to see the cadaver of the monster and be sure that he can’t come back. It is also reassuring to know that there is no hateful figurehead on whom some kind of “werewolf” resistance could converge in order to prolong the misery and atrocity. But Qaddafi at the time of his death was wounded and out of action and at the head of a small group of terrified riff-raff. He was unable to offer any further resistance. And all the positive results that I cited above could have been achieved by the simple expedient of taking him first to a hospital, then to a jail, and thence to the airport. Indeed, a spell in the dock would probably hugely enhance the positive impact, since those poor lost souls who still put their trust in the man could scarcely have their illusions survive the exposure to even a few hours of the madman’s gibberings in court.

And so the new Libya begins, but it begins with a squalid lynching. News correspondents have been quite warm and vocal lately, about the general forbearance shown by the rebels to the persons and property of the Qaddafi loyalists. That makes it even more regrettable that the principle could not be honored in its main instance. At the time of writing, Seif-al-Islam Qaddafi, one of Muammar’s sons, is said to be still at large. It will be quite a disgrace if he is also killed out of hand, or if at the very least the NTC and the international community do not remind their fighters that he needs to be taken into lawful custody.

This is not to display any undue sympathy for Seif, or others on the wanted list. But he in particular is the repository of an enormous amount of potentially useful information, about the nature of the dead regime and perhaps even of the whereabouts of strategic material—to say nothing of vast illegal holdings of money that are the rightful property of the Libyan people. In more senses than one, it would be a crime to be party to this destruction of evidence. As for the usefulness of Qaddafi senior in the still-underdeveloped field of the study of megalomania, I should have said it was beyond price. And yet his numberless victims have to take such satisfaction as they can from seeing a blood-streaked and incoherent figure, handled roughly and in a panic and then put out of his misery by a shot that added exactly nothing to the security of the country.

I was in Romania on the day that Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were hastily done away with, and I was in Mosul on the day before Uday and Qusay Hussein were surrounded and submitted to lethal shot and shell in a house from which there was no escape. In both cases, the relief felt by the general population was palpable. There can be no doubt that the proven elimination of the old symbols of torture and fear has an emancipating effect, at least in the short term. But I would say that this effect is subject to rapidly diminishing returns, which became evident in Iraq when Moqtada al-Sadr’s unpolished acolytes got the job of conducting the execution of Saddam Hussein. There are sectarian scars still remaining from that botched and sordid episode, and I shall be very surprised if similar resentments were not created among many Libyans on Thursday. Too late to repair that now. But it will be a shame if the killing of the Qaddafis continues and an insult if the summons to the Hague continues to be ignored.

Quoted from SLATE

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Published by Gusti Putra at: 10:57 AM